Ohio Highway Safety Work Zone Products

    Exclusive Distributor Relationships with Industry Leading Brands

  • Valtir
  • Innovative Access Solutions
  • Safety Technologies

Site-Safe is a DOT prequalified highway safety contractor serving throughout Ohio from our office in Columbus. Site-Safe is the exclusive regional distributor for Valtir highway safety products and energy absorption systems. We provide a variety of crash attenuators and work zone barrier as well as work zone Rumble Strips and ITS traffic monitoring.

Site-Safe also provides highway safety services include installs, maintenance, and removal. Rental service areas include nationwide crash cushion rental and regional TMA or barrier rentals.

Crash Cushions and Impact Attenuators

Site-Safe provides crash cushion attenuators to meet 603.4.2 & 603.4.4 Type 2, 603.4.2 & 603.4.4 Type 3 specifications.

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Truck / Trailer Mounted Attenuators (TMA)

Truck Mounted Attenuator products include Valtir’s MPS-350™ TMA and Vorteq Trailer & Safe Stop TMA products (Safe Stop Trailer, Safe Stop 180, Safe Stop 90 HD) to meet work zone safety shadow and barrier requirements.

View TMA Truck Rentals

Work Zone Barrier & Rumble Strips

Work zone safety products include Vulcan Steel Barrier and Plastic Safety Systems’ Road Quake Plastic Rumble Strips. Work zone traffic monitoring via ITS technology provides automated alerts, message board updates, and real-time online access.

View Equipment Rentals

Water-Filled Plastic Barricade

We also provide Plastic Barrier and Channelizing Barricade rentals from Valtir. Water-filled barrier is ideal for traffic safety, pedestrian safety, and perimeter security for a variety of municipal, work zone, airport, and other applications.

View Barriers and Barricades

Safe-Hit Delineators

Site-Safe is proud to offer Valtir’s Safe-Hit line of Delineators.

Click for more information

airport marker
safe hit posts

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Quick Response Service throughout Ohio

Service throughout Ohio including Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, Toledo, Akron and more.

Site-Safe Products is dedicated to quick response service when damage occurs to a barrier or crash cushion. For information about turnkey maintenance programs, ITS monitoring, and more, call us toll-free at (800) 388-6884 or visit SiteSafeOnline.com.

For more about our products or  rental pricing structure:

Call (800) 388-6884


Smart Work Zones

Site-Safe offers portable smart work zone services to help agencies & contractors monitor and detect queue events in or near work zones, helping to reduce rear-end collisions & severe crashes. With the latest technology, Site-Safe has you covered from planning to monitoring to data reporting.



Mobile Work Platform for Traffic Control (MWP-TC)

The patent-pending IAS Mobile Work Platform for Traffic Control (MWP-TC) provides portable fall protection for safer traffic control operations.



Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFAD) 54

The Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFAD) 54 has been designed to increase the safety and security of flaggers, workers and motorists in the work zone.



Custom TMA Truck Builder

Site-Safe provides TMA Trucks for Sale across the country. TMA Truck selection includes Non-CDL Flatbed International 4300 Series Trucks equipped with the Valtir MPS-350 brand Attenuating device with optional Stake Racks, Arrow Boards and more. Trucks are available to meet NCHRP-350 TL-3 ratings.

Shop our TMA Truck Inventory

Build a Custom TMA Truck